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About Me

V. L. Jones is a paranormal enthusiast and a horror writer. She grew up in a haunted house in Washington state, which fueled her passion for the supernatural and monsters. Verona now lives in Tucson, Arizona, which she uses as her home base to explore haunted sites with a history.

Verona enlisted in the Navy out of high school, and her first duty station was in the highlands of Scotland. Talk about hitting paydirt. Scotland and England abound with urban legends and ghostly hauntings. Fascinated by the history of these places, she often writes about her spooky findings.

Her explorations fuel her imagination, and she writes horror stories with elements of urban legends, cryptids, and folklore blended in. Verona loves anything about cryptids such as Bigfoot, the Ozark Howler, The black dog, and the Mothman, to name a few. Verona also loves the paranormal and the supernatural worlds. As her schedule permits, you will find her plotting the next trip to a paranormal hotspot.


Verona has seven short stories published:

  1. Devil’s Highway,  published in Elements of Horror: Fire by Red Cape Publishing.

  2. Evil Rides Storms, published in Twisted Nightmares by Michael Bradley.

  3. _Karma is a Bitch, _in the anthology A-Z of Horror: T is for Tarot by Red Cape Publishing.

  4. Devil’s Highway, republished in Anthology The Haunted Zone, published by Tundra Swan Press.

  5. Nature’s Revenge, in the anthology Year of the Tarot: Wands by Eerie River Publishing

  6. The Package, in anthology A-Z of Horror: V is for Voodoo by Red Cape Publishing

  7. Lady of Gold, in the anthology Dragon Legends by Dragon Soul Press.